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July 07, 2011


Joe Stearn

Hey Reno, I finally managed to see a screening of 'The Tree of Life' today in Glasgow. What an incredible film, like nothing I've seen before and such a joy to see too. I'm sure you're very happy to have been involved ...

I had a look on your fb page incase there was anything pertaining to the film and then stumbled upon the blog, and now I feel compelled to leave a comment about the 'physicality of books':

I've recently taken up the Trombone and for the first time I'm playing from sheet music. Now to me music is a very different thing from its notation, as any musician would tell you, and music is ultimately what the notation is there to point towards. The analogy with words and their meaning seems obvious to me, if the meaning is the important thing, then should this not be what we are concerned with?

Now books can be very artfully rendered, like musical notation, and these are artworks in their own right. But I think it ought to be admitted that this 'physicality' has no bearing on the meaning which is inherent in the characters or notes that are contained within the work. So, in short, 'physicality' and 'meaning' are both important, but two distinct things and some would argue that one is more important than the other. That's all I'm saying!

Hope you and the family are well,

- Joe Stearn (ex Taste employee)

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© 2004-2014 by RENO LAURO

Cinema Out of Joint

  • Safe (1995)
    Cinema Out of Joint is an ongoing reflection on films that best describe the mood, situation, and going-on in Time Out of Joint. It's a glimpse into the films I wrestle with, that have gotten into me and I can't shake ... or don't ever want to. Cinema Out of Joint is intended to serve as an ongoing guide of landmarks as the soul wayfares through the wondrous and perilous landscape of cinema:


  • Primping 4
    trace n. A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, animal, or thing. Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something; a vestige. // trac-es v. tr. To follow the course or trail of: trace a wounded deer: tracing missing persons. To locate or discover by searching or researching evidence. / v. intr. To make one's way along a trail or course. To have origins; be traceable.

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